This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

(27255) Week 11 - Genome Assembly and Annotation

Course Information

  • This is the bioinformatic tutorial for week 11 of the course 27255 - Advanced Experimental Prokaryotic Molecular Biology and Ecology (Spring 2023) held at DTU Bioengineering.
  • Introduction to lab-work: Building 202/Room 7001
  • Lab work: Building 202/Room 7007

Introduction and Overview

Week Task and Goals    
Week 10 Genomic DNA preparation Minion Genome sequencing using Minion (Oxford Nanopore Tech) Initiate data analysis pipeline construction
Week 11 Pipeline construction and analysis Gene annotation and analysis  
Week 12 Genome analysis Correlations between genomic and phenotypic data Poster preparation


Before starting the bioinformatics analysis, make yourself comfortable with the Galaxy platform by following the tutorials from the Galaxy Training Network. I would recommend trying these two tutorials:


Setup Download files required for the lesson
13:00 1. Introduction How do I start working in Galaxy?
What does my raw sequencing data looks like?
Do I have good enough quality and sequencing depth for my assembly?
13:50 2. Filtering and Assembly How do I assemble my genome?
How do I asses my assembly result?
14:40 3. Taxonomic Placement What is the taxonomic classification of my genome?
15:00 4. Genome Annotation What genes are contained in my genome?
15:40 5. Tools for analysing genomes How do I analyse my genome?
16:40 6. Extra Using Command Line Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis
16:55 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.